See the report here (PVC Valdez Trip May 2009)
- Schlueter’s Little Friends
- Enjoying a quiet time round the Schlueters patio Philip Clark, Sharon Black, Anne and John Schlueter enjoying a quiet time round the Schlueters patio
- The Kingdom of Schlueter
- John Clark, Kate McSwain, Ester Hazelet, Monica Hazelet, Lief Hazelet and Sharon Black
- PVC West Coast “Town Hall Meeting” on Schlueter’s Patio Don Wilson, Mary Moffat, John Clark, Lief Hazelet, Anne Schlueter, Sharon Black, Philip Clark, Ester Hazelet, Monica Hazelet, and Kate McSwain.
- Don Wilson, Monica Hazelet and Lief Hazelet
- John Clark, Kate McSwain, Ester Hazelet, Monica Hazelet, Lief Hazelet and Sharon Black
- The Schlueter’s and “best Friend” Fred
- “A Rose between two thorns…” Philip Clark, Sharon Black and John Clark
- NVision & PVC Anchorage, AK Office – Sharon Black, Philip Clark and John Clark
- Pat Krochina, PVC General Manager, Nvision, Anchorage, AK|Pat Krochina, PVC General Manager, Nvision, Anchorage, AK
- Mt. McKinley on the road to Valdez – John Clark, Philip Clark, Sharon Black and Ron Black
- Copper Center Road House Where G.C. Hazelet and A. J. Meals picked up their mail in 1898
- State of AK Signage
- A better look at Mt. McKinley
- Site of the “Great Shoot Out” involving G. C. Hazelet
- Keystone Canyon Railroad Tunnel Site of the “Great Shoot out” in 1908
- Valdez Harbor home of “The Theresa Marie”…
- Meals Hill View
- Meals Hill View
- Meals Hill View along new road
- Owen Meals home on Meals Hill.
- Valdez Harbor View over looking…
- The Clark Brothers on Clark Street
- Wild life on Meals Hill
- Who are these guys?
- City Ferry Dock from Meals Hill
- More view form Meals Hill along new road
- Meals Hill
- Ron Black’s Subaru Legacy Outback on Meals Hill Road
- Valdez “Town Hall Meeting” Patrick Harris, Carol Harris, Theresa Marie Harris, (named after Bill’s boat or is it the other way around?), Sharon Black, Philip Clark, Mary Ellen & Dennis Murphy, John Clark, Bailey Charisten, LeAnne Christenson, Jim and Jan Whalen and Edna Whalen.
- Valdez “Town Hall Meeting”: Another photograph.
- Patrick Harris (son of Bill and Carol Harris)
- Edna Whalen and Sharon Black
- Edna Whalen, Jan Whalen, Jim Whalen and Philip Clark
- Mary Ellen Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Bailey Christensn, LeAnne Christenson, and Jan Whalen
- John Clark, Philip Clark,, Sharon Black…
- “Bull Moose”
- Valdez Harbor and its most prominent citizen, the “Theresa Marie”.
- Valdez Museum
- Valdez Museum
- Andrew Goldstein, Valdez Museum Curator, “Bellying up” to the old Pizon bar.
- Valdez Museum
- Valdez Museum Memorial to Trans-Alaska Pipeline
- Valdez Museum
- Theresa Marie always has HBO
- George Cheever Hazelet’s Journals: Valdez Museum
- George C. Hazelet’s Journal Book 1
- George C. Hazelet, “No failure just a…
- G. C. Hazelet Journals
- Bill Harris conducting a tour of the engine…
- Can you believe Bill runs this boat with a “little…
- Valdez Harbor around mid-night May 2009…
- Valdez Harbor
- Valdez Harbor
- Cordova boat captured by Valdez Pirates.
- Valdez harbor Dry Dock
- Philip’s “Big Catch”
- Meals Hill from Ruth’s Pond
- “A Bull Moose Party” Mayor Bert Cottle and Philip Clark
- Whitney Museum at Prince William Sound Community College
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Whitney Museum
- Captain’s Wheel House Ferry to Cordova
- Captain’s Wheel House Ferry to Cordova
- Reluctant Philip and friend at the Reluctant Fisherman Cordova Alaska
- Cordova Main Street
- Snoozing in front of Cordova Museum
- Philip Clark and Sharon Black, Main Street Cordova, AK
- Alaskan Hotel & Bar Cordova, AK
- Cordova Harbor
- George Cheever Hazelet’s home in Cordova, AK
- Philip Clark and John Clark in front of great-grandfather G. C. Hazelet’s house Cordova, AK.
- Dan Scott’s warehouse property Cordova, AK
- Cordova, AK Main Street
- Cordova Harbor
- Great Hotel & Bar in Cordova
- Cordova/Whittier Ferry in Cordova, AK
- Cruise Ship in Whittier, AK
- Whittier Harbor, AK
- 35 room Hotel in Whittier AK
- Whittier Hotel
- Glacier on the way to Anchorage from Whittier
- Philip Clark and Sharon Black, Anchorgage, AK Museum
- Joe Moran, Philip Clark Pat Krochina and Sharon Black